A Suggested Approach for Arbitrators in Complex Competition/Antitrust Disputes
First published on Kluwer Arbitration Blog, November 5, 2020 Richard Levin (Richard Levin Arbitration) Please refer to this post as: Richard Levin, ‘Conferencing Economic Experts: Streamlining the Process in Arbitration of Competition Disputes’, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, November 5 2020, http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/?p=34606 The intersection of competition law and arbitration has been around [...]
First published on Kluwer Arbitration Blog, July 21 2020. The impact of the pandemic on arbitration has been the subject of several posts on this Blog (see here and here). Rightly so, this is a seismic event in history that certainly has shaken the dispute resolution process, both state sponsored judiciaries as well [...]
On Arbitration of Competition/Antitrust Disputes: A Tribute to Mitsubishi is an article I recently published in the AAA/ICDR Dispute Resolution Journal that reflects back over the last 34 years since Mitsubishi v Soler was handed down by the US Supreme Court allowing for the arbitrability of antitrust cases. The Court [...]
I am as worried about school administration behavior as well offensive fellow student conduct when it comes to bullying or harassment of individuals with disabilities in our schools. Schools must conduct an investigation for each potential civil rights violation and collect data and take measures to eradicate the bullying to [...]
Looks like Scotus had fun with this at oral argument. Likely to be an important case, again emphasizing care in the drafting of arbitration clauses. Click below to see the full post.
Issues on school behaviour and emotionally disturbed kids are particularly bothersome. The issue is raised in Jay F v Wiliam Hart School in the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The advocacy group COPAA of which I am a member notes: Research supports the [lower] court’s conclusion that emotional [...]
This post was published in 2 parts by Kluwer Blog on August 20th 2018 Part 1 This note will first reflect back thirty three years on the genesis of arbitration and competition matters and the Mitsubishi case, and then, in Part 2 below, I will touch on some practical issues that frequently [...]
A wonderful article about some important issues.
Very interesting remarks by George Kahale - International Law and Arbitration George is a very articulate and well spoken advocate from the State's perspective