Legal Privilege and International Arbitration Issue

Consider a US company in a cross-border dispute with a French company, for example, having possibly different privilege rules and in a dispute seated, say, in London. A conflict of privilege rules should lead to a most favored nation approach so as to treat both parties on equal footing, in [...]

2017-07-04T08:20:19-05:00June 22, 2017|

Reduction in Funding for Special Education Services

Unfortunately. the President's FY 2018 budget has a $154M reduction in formula funding to states for special education services (IDEA Part B--Individuals with Disabilities Act, Part B). Please speak to your Congressperson. - Posted first on LinkedIn 15th June 2017

2017-07-04T08:18:28-05:00June 16, 2017|

ECJ Decision Singapore/EU Trade Deal

The ECJ decision on Tuesday on the Singapore/EU trade deal that each member of the bloc, and their appropriate parliaments, must sign off on two aspects of the deal including the investor dispute settlement mechanism, complicates investment arbitration in EU deals and perhaps, more important, the entire Brexit process and [...]

2017-07-04T08:17:28-05:00May 19, 2017|
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